'building communities' capacity through empowerment, healing and leadership.'
Building communities' capacity through empowerment and strengthening
cultural, social and emotional wellbeing.

Cultural, Social and Emotional Wellbeing Program
The National Empowerment Project: Cultural, Social and Emotional Wellbeing (CSEWB) Program has been developed and designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities across Australia based on extensive community consultation with eleven communities in response to high rates of psychological distress, self-harm and suicide.
The aim is to promote the positive cultural, social and emotional wellbeing and mental health of individuals, families and the community, to build resilience and prevent psychological distress and suicide.
The CSEWB program delivery was initially funded in Queensland from 2014 – 2016 by the Queensland Mental Health Commission and was delivered in Kuranda and Cherbourg, with 159 participants completing the program. Following this the NEP received funding for the Perth metropolitan regions of Langford (Gosnells, Kelmscott, Langford), Kwinana (Kwinana and Rockingham) and Wadjak sites (Balga, Koondoola and Girrawheen) from the Western Australian Primary Health Alliance to deliver the program that was successfully completed by 82 participants.