'building communities' capacity through empowerment, healing and leadership.'
Building communities' capacity through empowerment and strengthening
cultural, social and emotional wellbeing.
Situated in the Limestone Coast region of south east of South Australia, Mount Gambier is the second largest city in South Australia.
The city is located on the slopes of an inactive volcano about 450km from Adelaide on the Victorian border.
Mount Gambier was officially declared a city in 1954 and is now an important tourism destination and service hub for the region. Industry in the region includes agriculture, forestry, fishing, manufacturing, retail and trade, health and community services.
The area has always been rich in resources and Aboriginal people have lived there for a least 20,000 to 30,000 years.
Middents, rock shelters and burial grounds are scattered throughout the area and some sites have been dated to approximately 9,000 years.
The traditional people of the Mount Gambier region are the Buandik with Bunganditj as the main language.
The region is of high socio-economic disadvantage with Mount Gambier and Milicent assessed as being in the top of 20% of socially disadvantaged communities in Australia.

Local Language: Bunganditj.
Population: Mount Gambier has a population of almost 25,911 (2011 Census) of which 2.3% identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
Local Services:
The local partner in the National Empowerment Project is the Aboriginal community controlled organisation Pangula Mannamurna Inc.